Broad Ripple Park Master Plan
This master plan and corresponding summary booklet communicates thousands of hours of research, community engagement, and design visioning for the next 20 years of Broad Ripple Park. As one of Indy Park’s designated “signature parks,” an estimated reinvestment of $65 million is targeted to stabilize and sustain existing park assets, create new program opportunities and features within the park, and to build a more resilient, durable park that the citizens of Indianapolis can enjoy for generations to come.
Below you will find a line to the updated graphics for the Broad Ripple Park Family Center project.

What is a Signature Park?
A Signature Park helps establish a ‘brand’ for a city, defining an area or community, typically with one or several “Signature” features that creates greater draw than a typical neighborhood or community park. As such, this crowning gem within the local parks system acts as a regional and multi-generational attraction. A Signature Park adds to the quality of life and increases local pride and interest in the community.
What is a Master Plan?
A Master Plan acts as a roadmap for future decisions regarding the park. Many master planning processes use a 4 step process.
Step 1: Document the current conditions and needs within the existing park, facilities, and community.
Step 2: Listen to and record the community’s ideas, needs, concerns and desires for the park.
Step 3: Propose a future vision for the park and establish priorities for what areas are to be redesigned, renovated, reimagined, and programmed.
Step 4: Provide implementation guidance on funding opportunities, where to focus funding, and a timeline to achieve the vision established during the process.
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