Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long is this planning process?
A: The Master Plan started in February 2018 and will be completed in July 2018.
Q: How do I learn more about the process?
A: This website contains a wealth of information on the project and will be updated with new content throughout the process. You can learn about the team, the process, find events to attend, or connect with team members.
Q: How do I participate?
Q: Who is leading this study?
Q: What is a Signature Park?
Q: What is a master plan?
A: Master Plan acts as a roadmap for future decisions regarding the park.
Many master planning processes use a 4 step process.
Step 1: Document the current conditions and needs within the existing park, facilities, and community.
Step 2: Listen to and record the community’s ideas, needs, concerns and desires for the park.
Step 3: Propose a future vision for the park and establish priorities for what areas are to be redesigned, renovated, reimagined, and programmed.
Step 4: Provide implementation guidance on funding opportunities, where to focus funding, and a timeline to achieve the vision established during the process.